Irreversible: Rape scene (disturbing)

The most disturbing to me, besides the obvious, is that man that walks into the background, sees the scene, and walks away again.

From :

"The way I felt walking out of this movie the first time is pretty much the way I feel heading into 2010: appalled, furious and just not a huge fan of the human race. All that's missing is the guilty sense of exhilaration.

Gaspar Noe's follow-up to the equally challenging I STAND ALONE hit U.S. theaters the week before we invaded Iraq, and it felt perfectly suited to the grim mood of the nation at the time. Here was a film in which hastily-sought revenge results in several deeply unsatisfying acts of violence - the final one punctuated with a man's skull being smashed flat by a fire extinguisher. Okay, deeply unsatisfying for non-animals. But if you enjoyed that, not to worry! A couple of scenes later, Noe shows you, in excruciating, thrust-for-thrust detail, the reason for all that retribution. "

quite a discusting scene; they even felt the need to have him get off her with his dick out.... just in case it wasn't real enough.
oh and that's what must have been hot to joe1122... you like seeing dick you fucking piece of shit. i hope you get fucking raped asshole


Look at it this way woman. I blame you for rape. If a woman would give her boyfriend/husband sex when he wants it and oh make it good sex which includes anal, blow jobs that you can deep throat and swallow, threesomes with another female or anything he wants....The man would not look elsewhere and be forces to rape another woman to get what he wants. So just give up your body to your man and save another woman from being raped. Another way to solve this issue is to allow brothels here in America. (whore houses) The United States is the only country that does not allow this and we have the highest rate for rapes. If a person has a another way of getting sex especially if his partner don't put out then there would be no need to rape a woman. I've been married 30 years and never had to look elsewhere because my wife always has pleased me in any way I wish. End of story.


@ lonestar - you are beyond belief. It's because of people like you that rapists exist. Sex is so easily available these days, that if it were just about sex, rape wouldn't happen. But it's not about sex; it's about power, domination, hate and violence. Normal men who just feel a bit randy just go down the twon on a Saturday night and pick up a bird for a quickie or a one-night stand. If they can't find someone, there's always the red-light district. Your contention that rape only happens because men can't get it elsewhere or their girlfriends won't give out is moronic. It's not about availability! Besides which, you seem to think that women exist for only one thing. They have rights over their own bodies, just as you do over yours. They're not your sex slave. Why don't you just go and shove it in a hanging carcass when you get frustrated? I so, so pity your poor wife.


seriously i would have fought his ass off, stab me motherfucker i would rather die then have your gross ass penis inside of my beautiful flesh its sad that this stuff actually does happen everyday to some innocent girl
lonestar...your probably a rapist yourself, and your so called wife is the girl screaming in your closet!!!!


First off the man doin the raping in this movie is homosexual. He raped her for power and nothing more. During the scene he tells her that he is going to rape her and harm her because she is rich and beautiful. He hates women that think they are better than other's because they are beautiful and have money. If anyone has seen this movie he goes on and decides to beat her to a bloody pulp, So for that Lonestar guy your wrong, rape is not about a man or woman getting it else where it is about them stripping someone of everything that they are. Even a man or woman that is being satisfied by the person they are with still go out to rob another of their innocence. So please do research before you go around runnin your mouth.


Apparently this is the video that brings all the slag of the internet to videosift. Something about the most searched video or link to the videosift


i can't believe someone uploaded this scene.
this should be banned!
movie was very disturbing and i regret i watched it.


From just reading your username, I'd guess that you're a 21 year old boy from Texas who likes to shoot his mouth off. But that's just a guess.

In any case to you and the other gremlins in this thread - behave or be banned.


Look at it this way woman. I blame you for rape. If a woman would give her boyfriend/husband sex when he wants it and oh make it good sex which includes anal, blow jobs that you can deep throat and swallow, threesomes with another female or anything he wants....The man would not look elsewhere and be forces to rape another woman to get what he wants. So just give up your body to your man and save another woman from being raped. Another way to solve this issue is to allow brothels here in America. (whore houses) The United States is the only country that does not allow this and we have the highest rate for rapes. If a person has a another way of getting sex especially if his partner don't put out then there would be no need to rape a woman. I've been married 30 years and never had to look elsewhere because my wife always has pleased me in any way I wish. End of story.


if you didn't see irreversible at an actual cinema, on a big screen, you mostly wasted your time.

the whole movie is shot in a sickening, nauseating way, with the camera twisting and turning all the time... punctured by extreme acts of violence. on the big screen, it is actually physically overwhelming.

the movie is told backwards, which makes the ending all the more hideous.

the closing shot of the film is a slow zoom out from a rotating sprinkler, as the happy couple lounges about in the summer sun... the camera starts rotating with the sprinkler as a strobe effect gets more and more intense. seeing it on the big screen, it was repulsive -- i nearly barfed.

i think this movie is incredible (and utterly depressing), but people's reactions to it really worry me. a powerful message is completely lost on these idiots.


Seeing as how the majority of people in the world and apparently those select few who have commented in this feed are not clued in. An act of rape is not about sex. It is not about your significant other or wife giving it up to you. If someone wanted to have sex they could just go to a prostitute. Rape is about control. In this setting itself its portrayed in a disgusting manner. He dominates her in every sense and leaves her empty, with nothing. She might as well be dead in the emotional state in which she is in. I know that people come up here to make light of situations like these because you are bored and just want to start shit. Most people liked to get comments back and argue essentially about nothing because you are seriously pathetic and YOLO as in you obviously live online. Given the current statistics, one day either you or someone you care about or know will get raped and when you see the emptiness that has taken over them and replaces them as whole, crack a joke then. I take this personally because during my current medical rotations i see this every damn day in the trauma department. I unfortunately get to see the aftermath of such a gruesome event in which some of you think is "hot."


As a victim of rape some of you lot sicken me... I came across this as I'm doing some research about how rape is portrayed in the media. Lonestar you should be ashamed, think how you would feel if this was your daughter because it dammed near killed my dad! You are a sad pathetic individual who feels the need to air his views online and despite all I've been through its you I feel sorry for. I will never be as small minded and delusuonal as you are.
And for the record, my sex life with my boyfriend was varied and adventurous, and low and behold it didn't stop me getting raped.
People who feel the need to do this to another human are sick individuals and should take a minute to think about how it ruins the victims life!


I'm a guy and was raped by a female cousin when I was around 9 or 10 she was in high school. I don't hate her for what she did but I wish it would of never happened because it messed me up. I have trust issues with every girl I ever dated, not only that I use to get real bad anxiety attacks to the point I was shaking in fear and sweating badly around females. I no longer get the anxiety attacks since therapy but the trust issue is still there.

This movie shows how evil we are as humans, at least that's what I got from it. I doubt the guy posting the nonsense about blaming women for rape, would feel the same way if it happened to one of his family members.


Hello, I'm ashamed to admit it but I have had jerk off many times with the rape scene, with that said, I once thought that maybe even the film's director is trying to put the blame on the woman's side, since from a wicked interpretation it's her fault to have changed the more quiet and polite guy for the sexually aggressive and still wanting to have him being down like the other guy and since she did not get that treatment she left the party and insisted to go without company even though her ex-boyfriend volunteered to accompany her, I'm not trying to justify that violence, rape is bad, no matter the background of the victim, men should not rape under any given circumstance

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